Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If You're an Ear, Be and Ear.

I think one of the biggest struggles for Christians, at least in my experience, is a spirit of comparison. You never feel good enough because so and so reads his Bible more. You never feel spiritual enough because another person has visions or speaks in tongues. Often times we tend to get caught up in what other peoples' spiritual lives are, rather than embracing the life the Lord has given us.

While it is true that friendships are one way the Lord works in our lives and builds us up, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17, I think it is also a way the enemy discourages us in our walk. We want to try harder to be as spiritual or pray as much as (insert name). The problem is that striving isn't from the Lord and we end up failing because we are relying on ourselves to make our spiritual life into someone else's. And with failure, brings doubt, and doubt pushes us further from the Lord.

This was one of the things I experiences most when I was at the Ranch. Feeling overwhelmed and unworthy because I was surrounded by some of the most amazing people I had ever met. I kept wondering why God would put me in a place I was not ready to be in. (The answer to that is that God meets us where we are and not where we should be, but that's for a different day). That spirit of comparison is what kept me locked in my ways and prevented me from receiving the Lord like I could have if I would've just listened. I wasted a lot of time not feeling up to those around me. But the Lord finally got my attention and showed me that I was there for a reason.

One of the things I learned about myself at the Ranch, was that even though I didn't feel important or feel like I had a lot to offer, the Lord had prepared me my whole life to do something special out there. It was all about stepping into that role and being the part of the body I was made to be. And I can look back now and know the Lord did an amazing work in me, and more importantly through me.

1 Corinthians 12 talks about the spirit of comparison that so easily entangles us all.

Each one of us serve an important role in the body, one that only we can serve. While another man may be out in the mission field healing the blind and feeding the poor, I may be back here sending him money, praying for him, and helping those struggling all around me. Our role is just as important as anyone else's, because without us the body cannot function the way the Lord intended. Without us, the body is minus a key component.

For the body does not consist of one member but of many....And if the ear should say; "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? 14-17

We shouldn't be ashamed of our role, even if it isn't glamorous and even if we can't get accolades for it. If we wanted glory or honor we wouldn't have committed our lives to serving the Lord. We are exactly what the Lord made us to be, and fill the exact role that we were intended. In fact Corinthians tells us that God chose us to fill that role.

But as it is God arranged the members in the body each one of them, as he chose. 18

So don't let yourself feel like you aren't good enough because you aren't in a 3rd world country, or because you aren't going into the ministry, or even because you don't pray as much as someone else or read the Bible as much. Each persons spiritual life is about their own relationship with the Lord. This life is not about winning spiritual awards or building yourself up to be this super Christian. It's about serving the Lord, following his perfect will for our lives, and being exactly who he intended us to be so that we may fulfill our role within the body. We are all in this together.

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 26

We need to quit comparing ourselves to everyone else and just step into the role the Lord has made for us. If you're meant to be a missionary in Africa, be a missionary in Africa. If you're meant to be a prayer warrior, then be that. If you're an ear, then be an ear and quit wishing you were something else. We are exactly who God needs us to be.

"Love Song" by Jason Morant

1 comment:

  1. i really enjoy your blogs Riley, very thought provoking.. seriously. thanks
